Everything about eyebrow and eyelash transplantation techniques!

Use the FUE method eyebrow and eyelash transplants in Turkey. Learn about surgery options and cost in Istanbul for the best results

2025 Turkey Eyebrow & Eyelash Transplants: Cost and Details
2025 Turkey Eyebrow & Eyelash Transplants: Cost and Details

Eyelash Transplantation is not currently offered in our clinic. The following article is for informational purposes only! We are actively performing Eyebrow Operation.

Eyebrows are considered an extremely important element of the face that can change the appearance and aesthetics of a person. Eyebrows can elevate a person's physical appearance to a whole new level, especially if they are harmonious and proportionate with other facial features such as the nose, lips, and cheeks.

In addition to hair loss, people now experience eyebrow loss problems and this medical condition is becoming more common day by day. However, eyebrow loss affects people's self-confidence. Many factors can cause eyebrow hairs to thin or fall out completely, for example, if a person has a genetic and naturally thin, fragile hair structure, they may be prone to eyebrow loss because they have a weak structure. Frequent use of some chemical and cosmetic products can be harmful enough to affect the eyebrows. Chemotherapy is another factor that can cause eyebrow loss. In addition, some people suffer from hormonal imbalances that will affect their health, irregular eyebrow plucking and extensive waxing can also cause eyebrow loss in the eyebrow area. Finally, permanent fake makeup and eyebrow tattoos are very harmful to the eyebrow roots and increase the loss of eyebrows.

The Importance of Eyebrows in Human Physiology

Eyebrows, in addition to completing a person's overall physical aesthetics, go beyond this as they have important functional tasks for people's health. Indeed, eyebrows play the role of protecting the eyes from possible irritating and damaging elements in the outside world such as dust, sweat, or microbes. In addition, eyebrows have a feature that protects our eyes from the burning sun rays that fall vertically to the earth, especially on hot summer days.

Finally, eyebrows play a very important role in translating people's emotions, as they are a form of gesture and facial expression that can be turned into an advantage when communication is non-verbal.

How Does the Eyebrow Transplantation Process Proceed?

As we mentioned before, eyebrows have an extremely important function and for this reason, whether for health factors or ever-evolving beauty standards, people prefer to have eyebrow transplants to have fuller eyebrows.

There has been a trend towards thin and round eyebrows since the 60s, but recently, with the change in the perception of beauty and fashion, thick and dense eyebrows have begun to be preferred. For this reason, people are trying all kinds of treatments and techniques to have the physical appearance they dream of and that meets modern world beauty standards. Ten years ago, only hair transplantation was considered a technique to permanently treat hair loss, but today, beard, mustache, and eyebrow transplantation have become frequent procedures as they promise permanent effects and guarantee the permanent treatment of alopecia and baldness. All the techniques used in hair transplantation can also be applied during FUE, DHI, and FUE Sapphire eyebrow transplantation, the procedures applied in hair transplantation procedures are also valid in eyebrow transplantation.

Steps of Eyebrow Transplantation in Turkey

In this section, let's examine the different stages of eyebrow transplantation in Turkey:

Consultation: Preoperative medical consultation is essential to understand the patient's preferences, expectations, and suitability.

Selection of Donor Area: Generally, the back of the scalp is selected as the donor area from which the follicles will be taken because the hair is stronger, resists shedding better, and is similar to eyebrow hair in terms of structure and thickness.

Anesthesia: To reduce pain and prevent eyebrow transplantation from being painful for patients, local anesthesia should be applied to the donor area and the recipient area during eyebrow transplantation.

Removal of Follicles: In this stage of eyebrow transplantation, surgeons collect hair follicles from the donor area with a cutting tool. This is a critical stage that must be performed by experts because, when done correctly, it minimizes possible scars after eyebrow transplantation and leads the newly transplanted hair to follow the angle and direction of the old follicles that were removed.

Creating the incisions: Considering the eyebrow shape desired by the patient, technicians create precise micro incisions in the eyebrow area to prepare it for the transplanted hair.

Placement of extracted follicles: After the follicle units are extracted from the back of the scalp, they are placed with precision and meticulousness into the micro incisions created earlier. It is very important to take into account the angle and direction of the extracted hair to regenerate the transplanted hair to give the new eyebrow a natural-looking appearance.

Post-Operative Care: After eyebrow transplantation, patients are asked to follow certain health guidelines and instructions or take prescribed medications and vitamins which will be very helpful in the healing process.

Healing and Recovery: After an eyebrow transplant, the healing of the eyebrows is faster than capillary, so individuals can expect to see remarkable transformations within a few months. The eyebrow grows fuller and thicker and looks completely natural.

Follow-up at Istanbul Vita: We constantly check in with our patients to follow their progress and guarantee a favorable recovery process for them after eyebrow transplantation.

How Long Does Eyebrow Transplantation Take in Turkey?

Unlike hair transplantation, which takes 6 to 8 hours, eyebrow transplantation in Turkey takes an average of 2 to 4 hours. However, it is important to remember that the duration of eyebrow transplantation may vary from person to person depending on various individual factors.

Eyebrow Transplant Turkey Price 2024

Although Turkey is considered one of the best countries that combines high healthcare services at affordable cost and a high price-value ratio, it would be difficult to give an exact price for eyebrow transplantation. The eyebrow transplantation price may vary due to reasons such as the clinic's medical service fees, the transplantation technique applied, the location of the clinic, the expertise and experience of the healthcare team, and other reasons. Sapphire FUE technique can be applied in eyelash transplantation as in eyebrow transplantation.

What is Eyelash Transplantation?

In addition to eyebrow loss, another medical condition that concerns more and more people today is eyelash loss. The medical name for this health condition is Madarosis. It affects the eyelashes and causes them to fall out in an abnormal and unhealthy way. Being diagnosed with Madarosis can affect the mental health of individuals because eyelashes have both functional and aesthetic roles in protecting the eyes from external harmful substances and sun rays.

Diseases and Conditions That Cause Eyelash Loss

Different health conditions cause eyelash loss, let's examine them in this section.

  • Alopecia Aerate: This disease causes capillary loss in different body parts such as hair, beard, mustache, eyebrows, and eyelashes, causing the area to become bald.
  • Thyroid Diseases: Whether the thyroid glands are overactive or underactive, this hormonal imbalance can cause eyelash loss.
  • Trichotillomania: In this type of disorder, patients tend to unconsciously and involuntarily pull out hairs all over their body, and one of the most affected areas is the eyelashes. It is called "hair-pulling disorder" where people pull their eyelashes due to high levels of stress or anger.

In addition to physical health conditions, psychological disorders can cause eyelash loss, such as:

  • Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Hyperactivity and poor concentration

Eyelash Transplant Turkey

Eyelash transplantation in Turkey is a procedure that can be applied to both the lower and upper eyelids, but since the lower part is more difficult and fragile during and after eyelash transplantation in Turkey, people normally prioritize the upper eyelids for transplantation. Eyelash transplantation is very similar to other transplantation procedures, consisting of the same steps.

Consultation: This stage is extremely important as doctors will check the general health status of the patient, examine the capillary structure, and check their suitability for eyelash transplantation in Turkey.

Removal of Follicles from the Donor Area: Hair follicles are removed from the back of the scalp with the help of a small microscopic instrument.

Follicle Preparation: The extracted hairs are carefully placed into a special tool where they are prepared for implantation into the recipient area.

Anesthesia: As with all transplants, anesthesia should be administered during eyelash transplantation to reduce pain levels.

Creating small incisions: Once created, these small incisions will be placed precisely and strategically to help replicate the direction and location of the extracted follicles and achieve a natural result after eyelash transplantation.

Graft transplantation: The final step in eyelash transplantation in Turkey is the application of the extracted follicles to the area where the eyelash transplantation will be performed.

Post-operative care: After eyelash transplantation, patients should pay attention to their general eye health, avoid aggressing or suddenly touching the eye, and stay away from extremely hot sunlight and dust.

Results and recovery: After a short time, individuals can return to their normal daily activities and hair begins to grow densely and naturally within a few months.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does an eyebrow or eyelash transplant cost in Istanbul Turkey?

Although eyebrow transplant and eyelash transplant prices may vary from clinic to clinic, the average duration of these two surgeries varies between 500 and 1500 Euros depending on many factors. The price may vary depending on the technique to be applied.

How long does eyebrow transplantation take?

Eyebrow transplantation takes an average of 3-5 hours. The number of grafts and the technique to be applied are also important factors affecting the duration of eyebrow transplantation. The doctor's expertise is also an important factor affecting the duration of the eyebrow transplantation process.

Is eyelash transplantation painful and risky?

No, the patient does not feel pain during the operation. Eyelash transplantation is a very fast procedure and is performed with minimal discomfort and pain, especially since local anesthesia is applied during this surgery. Do not be afraid of risks as long as you pay attention to your hygiene.

Can I take a shower after eyebrow/eyelash transplantation?

They can take a shower starting from the 8th day after the eyebrow transplant and 24 hours after the eyelash transplant. You should be gentle with the transplanted areas and clean them with a tissue or wet fingers using tampon movements.

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