What is PRP Hair Treatment? | Process Steps and Cost in 2024
Hair Restoration Tuesday 15th of March 2022

PRP hair treatment and other treatment methods | 2024 cost in Turkey

Hair is a part of their physical appearance and has become a factor that affects people psychologically. Hair loss causes loss of self-confidence in many people. People who do not like themselves in appearance because their hair is falling out resort to various ways. They resort to procedures such as using wigs, nourishing the hair from the outside with hair care products, or using drugs under the supervision of a doctor and hair transplant operations.

Hair transplant operations produce more permanent and safe results compared to other methods. This is because the drugs or care products used by people temporarily activate the hair follicles. In some cases (hormonal, genetic, etc. factors), treatments will not give positive results or the care products used will temporarily revitalize the hair follicles. In such cases, patients can apply for hair transplantation procedures. Hair transplantation procedures include many techniques with the recently developed technology. One of these techniques is the PRP procedure called hair therapy.

What are PRP Hair Procedure Treatment and Stages?

What are PRP Hair Procedure Treatment and Stages?

PRP procedure "Platelet-Rich Plasma" is performed by injecting the patient's blood into the determined area by passing it through some processes to people with sparse and weak hair. 10-20 milliliters of blood are taken from the patient. It is centrifuged for about 8-10 minutes. After this stage, a plasma emerges in which the cells that provide blood clotting are dense. Afterward, these plasmas are injected into the scalp for treatment.

PRP process is used in hair operation to prevent hair alopecia and to improve the quality of the hair structure. Healthy hair begins to grow again. Some patients state that the PRP procedure is effective for hair alopecia, while some patients state that it is not permanent for the PRP procedure.

Advantages of PRP Hair Process Treatment

  • PRP is made naturally as the person's blood is used in the hair process.
  • Since the person's blood is used, the probability of side effects is low.
  • Local anesthesia is used during the procedure. The use of local anesthesia minimizes the patient's pain and pain.
  • PRP application is completed in a shorter time compared to other applications. In this way, the patient returns to his daily life quickly.
  • Since the hair follicles are stimulated in the PRP hair process, the hair grows healthily. Therefore, hair loss will decrease.

Disadvantages of PRP Hair Treatment

  • The effects of PRP hair restoration may not give the same results in every patient. You can get information about the PRP hair process with your specialist doctor.
  • The session can be repeated to make the results permanent.
  • Although PRP hair treatment gives effective results when applied, shedding may start again in the future. With the end of the treatment, hair loss may become active.
  • In case of repetition of the session, the cost of PRP Hair procedure treatment may increase. For this reason, it may be more costly than other processes.
  • Although local anesthesia is applied, people with low pain and pain threshold may be uncomfortable with the effect of the injection.

Can the PRP Hair Procedure Be Applied to Everyone?

PRP hair procedure is not applied to people with very little hair. PRP Hair procedure is mostly performed on people with weak hair structures. Patients who have hair alopecia problems due to genetic factors can also have PRP treatment. Patients who have cancer and are undergoing chemotherapy treatment may not be able to have PRP hair treatment, they should consult their doctor. People allergic to drugs used in PRP hair restoration may not have this application. People with some chronic skin diseases may also not be able to have PRP hair treatment done.

PRP Hair Procedure Treatment Turkey

When it comes to PRP Hair application, the first thing that comes to mind is PRP Hair Procedure Turkey. Turkey has been making a name for itself in health tourism recently. The main reason for those who prefer PRP hair treatment in Turkey is that the prices are affordable compared to other countries, and healthy and permanent procedures have been effective.

PRP Hair Treatment Cost

Many factors determine the PRP hair treatment cost. The location where the operation will be performed, the quality of the clinic, and the specialist doctor and his team are important factors in determining the cost. The quality of the technical equipment used also affects PRP hair treatment cost and If you want to get more information about the cost, you can take a look at our article.

ACell PRP Hair Treatment

ACell PRP Hair Treatment

In the PRP process, after the patient's blood is taken, it is injected directly; In the ACell-PRP process, the patient's blood has a mixture of medical drugs, extracellular matrix, vitamins, and PRP (Platelet-rich plasma). It occurs when the blood taken from the patient's body is injected into the patient through various processes. ACell PRP treatment for hair loss is an advanced method.

ACell PRP Hair Treatment Stages

The treatment stages of the ACell Matrix Procedure are carried out as follows:

Pre-Procedure Evaluation

Before the procedures are performed, hair analysis is performed in the presence of a specialist doctor. The cause of hair loss is determined. The intensity of the spill is calculated. As a result of the analysis, a decision is made on which technique will be applied.

Pre-Treatment Preparation

The treatment area to be treated is determined and the determined area is cleaned.

ACell Matrix Preparation

It is prepared as a powder and gel in ECell Matrix treatment.

Injection Phase

The prepared mixture is injected into the scalp.

Healing Process

After ACell PRP treatment, swelling, redness, and tenderness can be seen on the scalp. It will pass in a short time. After the treatment, a meeting with the specialist doctor is arranged again.

Repetitive Operations

In some possible cases, the treatment may be repeated. It is applied due to re-processing, closing the shed area, and strengthening the hair follicles.

Advantages of ACell PRP Hair Treatment

Hair loss occurs for many reasons today. Factors such as chronic diseases, hormonal imbalances, stressful lifestyle, irregular sleep, and inadequate and unhealthy diet are among the main causes of hair loss.

  • ACell PRP procedure gives effective results for the hair loss problem of patients with its specially formulated structure.
  • ACell PRP procedure is applied not only for hair alopecia but also to strengthen the hair follicles and make their structure better quality.
  • It benefits hair growth as blood circulation increases.
  • ACell Matrix, known as biomaterial, provides repair and regeneration of tissues. In this way, the hair grows healthily.

Disadvantages of ACell PRP Hair Treatment

  • To achieve the desired results in ACell PRP treatment, repeat sessions can be performed in some cases. Repetitive sessions may increase the cost of ACell PRP procedure treatment. For this reason, the cost of ACell PRP procedure treatment may be higher than other techniques.
  • Although ACell PRP treatment is an effective method, hair loss may occur again in some patients.
  • During the ACell PRP procedure, local anesthesia is applied so that the patient does not feel the treatment during the procedure. People with a low pain and pain threshold may feel it, albeit minimally.
  • Side effects such as swelling, redness, and tenderness may occur temporarily in the treated parts.

ACell PRP Hair Treatment Turkey

Compared to other countries, ACell PRP hair treatment Turkey is more in demand due to the cost and the quality factor of clinical and specialist doctors.

Especially ACell PRP hair treatment is preferred in Istanbul because ACell PRP hair treatment in Istanbul is considered more advantageous in terms of clinical diversity compared to other cities.

ACell PRP Hair Treatment Cost

Acell PRP hair treatment cost varies according to the clinic's location where the operation takes place and the treatment method to be applied. ACell PRP hair treatment cost will vary from patient to patient. You can get detailed information by visiting the ACell PRP hair treatment cost article.

What is Mesotherapy Hair Treatment?

What is Mesotherapy Hair Treatment?

Mesotherapy is performed by injecting minerals, amino acids, vitamins, and nutritious minerals directly into the area under the skin in hair treatment.

  • In mesotherapy hair therapy, the patient's hair structure is first examined. The causes of shedding are investigated. In the presence of a doctor, it is decided which treatment method will be applied.
  • The scalp is cleaned. The area where mesotherapy hair treatment will be applied is prepared for the procedure.
  • Nutrients prepared for mesotherapy hair treatment are injected into the appropriate area.
  • After the mesotherapy hair treatment is over, the patient is informed about the post-procedure care.

What are the Effects of Mesotherapy Hair Treatment?

  • It reduces hair loss, strengthens the hair, and grows healthier hair.
  • Injecting minerals directly into the hair follicles revitalizes the hair follicles.
  • Mesotherapy hair treatment is not a surgical operation. For this reason, transactions are applied more easily. The application time is shorter than other techniques, the patient has a more comfortable operation.
  • Mesotherapy hair treatment is a safe treatment method, but it may have mild side effects. Redness and swelling may appear after the procedure.
  • The treated area can become infected, so you need to keep the area sterile.
  • You may experience allergic reactions. You may encounter problems such as redness, itching, and shedding. You should see your doctor.
  • Temporary hair loss may occur, but it will improve within a few weeks.

Mesotherapy Hair Treatment Cost

The Mesotherapy Hair treatment cost will vary according to the quality of the clinic where the operation will take place. Another important factor affecting the mesotherapy hair treatment cost is the expertise of the team that will operate. The mesotherapy hair treatment cost also varies according to the location, the city where your procedures will be performed is important. If you want to get detailed information about the mesotherapy hair treatment cost, you can review our article.

What is Laser Hair Treatment?

What is Hair Laser?

The problem of hair alopecia is caused by genetic and hormonal factors as well as environmental factors. Hair loss problems can be seen in individuals due to factors such as stressful lifestyle, polluted weather conditions, and the variety of content of the care products used, hair alopecia is also seen not only in men but also in women. With the development of technology, there are many alternative ways. People who cannot achieve the desired appearance as a result of the use of drugs or care products for the treatment of hair loss can end their hair alopecia with the laser treatment technique. Laser hair treatment is an effective treatment method for people with hair alopecia problems.

Laser light increases blood circulation and allows hair follicles to grow. Laser lights target the scalp and interact with the hair follicles. Women or men with genetic hair alopecia problems can be treated with this technique. When applying the Laser hair process, a 20-minute procedure is performed twice a week in the first stage. With an average of 4 months of treatment with 1 session per week, a visible change will occur over time. If you want to achieve a definite result, do not interrupt your treatment, do not interrupt the procedures you need to apply in line with your doctor's directives for 6 months. Thanks to hair laser treatment, you can achieve the look you want with a natural, painless, and reliable method.

Hair Laser Treatment Stages

  • Dermatologists first analyze the patient's hair. The hair structure is examined and it is decided whether the laser procedure will be performed or not.
  • In the next stage, channels are opened on the scalp. The serum is applied to the opened channels. For the serum to be effective over the entire area, it must be evenly distributed and massaged.
  • Laser shots are made to the capillaries that have lost their function in the hairy area. After the laser shot, blood circulation takes place.
  • Medical serum and derma are used to increase the application work of the laser. Hair follicles are stimulated with laser beams. In this way, cell renewal and protein synthesis take place.
  • Hair follicles are healed with laser treatment. Weak and voluminous hair follicles are strengthened. A healthier appearance is achieved.

Advantages of Laser Hair Treatment

A surgical procedure is not applied in hair laser treatment. Laser light is applied to the scalp and the hair follicles are healed. It is a non-invasive procedure. Since it is not a surgical procedure, hair laser treatment is more comfortable for the patient. Another advantage of laser hair operation is that it can be combined with other hair techniques. It provides a supportive effect.

Disadvantages of Laser Hair Treatment

There is a possibility of burning the veins and tissues on the scalp. The success rate after treatment is lower than other procedures. Hair alopecia occurs earlier and hair alopecia may continue. If you have a permanent disease on your scalp, laser hair operation is not applied.

Women's Hair Laser

While hair transplantation procedures are generally preferred by men; Hair lasers are mostly in demand by women. Apart from laser treatment, procedures such as PRP hair treatment and mesotherapy are also performed, but at the end of the 6-month healing period in laser treatment, there is a visible change in the hair.

Laser Hair Treatment Turkey

When it comes to hair process, the first thing that comes to mind is Laser Hair Treatment Turkey. Laser hair treatment Turkey has made a name for itself around the world with its specialist doctors and advanced clinics.

Laser Hair Treatment Cost

Laser Hair Operation Cost varies according to the method. The location and quality of the clinic where the treatment will be applied are important factors affecting the Laser hair transplant cost. If you want to get information about there will be changes in prices from person to person, you can review our Laser Hair Treatment cost article.

What are the Causes of Hair Loss?

Hair loss is caused by various reasons depending on gender in men and women. Men may experience hair loss due to hormones. Hair alopecia may occur as a result of excessive secretion of the hormone testosterone. This hair loss, which is caused by hormonal factors, starts in adolescence, and hair loss increases over time and baldness occurs in people.

Hair loss problems in women can be caused by an imbalance of thyroid hormones, menopause, pregnancy, breastfeeding after pregnancy, and other hormones (such as polycystic ovary syndrome).

Apart from hormonal and genetic factors, hair alopecia may occur in men and women due to stressful living conditions, unbalanced and unhealthy diet, sleep disorders, and inactivity during the day.

Istanbul Vita and Hair Treatments

With its 15 years of experience, Istanbul Vita has added success to its success and made its voice heard all over the world. When it comes to health tourism, Istanbul Vita comes to mind first in Turkey. It continues to serve its patients with its experienced doctors and team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Hair Treatments Give Permanent Results?

The permanence of hair treatments varies from person to person. By following the instructions given by your specialist doctor, you can ensure that your hair process is completed successfully.

Who is PRP Hair Treatment Applied To?

People with hair alopecia complaints can achieve the appearance they want with PRP treatment. In some special cases, the operation is not performed. Hair operation is not applied to cancer patients or patients with chronic dermatological conditions.

What are the Differences Between PRP Treatment and Laser Hair Treatment?

In both methods, the procedure is performed to prevent hair alopecia. Laser operation can be applied both alone and in combination with PRP treatment. PRP strengthens the hair and provides tissue repair. Laser therapy, on the other hand, accelerates the healing process. It reduces side effects such as redness and swelling.

What are the Factors Affecting Hair Loss?

Hair alopecia can occur due to hormonal, genetic, and external factors. You should pay attention to the content of the care products used. Diet, stressful life, and sleep patterns can cause hair alopecia. It would help if you had your blood values checked and showed them to your specialist doctor.

How Much Does Hair Treatment Cost?

The cost of hair treatment varies according to the procedure to be applied. At the same time, the clinic and location where the treatment will be applied, and the experience of the doctors and their team are important factors.