What Is Gynecomastia? What To Know? Surgery Cost? Procedure?
Plastic Surgery Thursday 3rd of March 2022

Gynecomastia treatment! What is gynecomastia surgery cost?

With the developments in the field of aesthetic surgery and the treatment of more comprehensive and serious ailments beyond the purpose of beautification, aesthetic surgery has become an area that is in demand by men as well as women. Thus, some hormonal disorders that men also suffer from are treated and corrected by aesthetic specialists.

One of these disorders is gynecomastia (breast reduction in men). Breast enlargement, which is a nightmare for men; It is treated in a very short time with various surgical applications such as gynecomastia and liposuction (fat removal).

Gynecomastia is the growth and shaping of the breast tissue above normal due to hormonal reasons or the wrong foods consumed. On the other hand, one of the most important reasons for this situation is the excessive secretion of the estrogen hormone. Therefore, endocrine examination is recommended first for detection.

It is not a very dangerous disease, but due to the increase in breast volume, it can increase the risk of breast cancer in men. Breast enlargement, which is a very rare disease, is mostly benign and easy to treat. However, since it spoils the physical appearance, it causes loss of self-confidence in the choice of clothes, at sea and in private life.

Onset of Gynecomastia

While breast enlargement is in its initial stage, it shows signs of swollen breast tissue, intense tenderness, and discharge from one or both breasts. Sometimes swelling occurs in only one breast, while in some cases it is observed in both. This disease, which causes sagging in the breast over time, is mostly due to the intense secretion of the estrogen hormone. Individuals who complain of these symptoms should consult a doctor immediately.

False Gynecomastia?

Not all breast enlargement in men is gynecomastia. With weight gain, fat mass increases, which indirectly causes breasts to enlarge. In medical language, it is pseudogynecomastia (false gynecomastia), also known as social gynecomastia. Because the patient is uncomfortable with the enlargement of his breasts, he cannot wear clothes such as t-shirts, shirts and athletes. He even makes a habit of leaning forward to hide this situation. In short, although it is not a disease, false gynecomastia should be treated because it causes psychological problems in individuals.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is naturally seen in certain periods of life. While the use of some drugs causes gynecomastia as a side effect, it directly causes gynecomastia in some diseases. While all these causes constitute 1% of gynecomastia, the remaining 99% is gynecomastia, the cause of which is unknown .

  • It occurs temporarily in 60% of infants within 28 days of birth.
  • It occurs in 64% of adolescent boys. The age at which it is most evident is 14. However, this situation is a normal process and improves within 1-2 years. If this situation still has not improved after the end of the second year, plastic surgery should be applied.
  • Gynecomastia is caused by some diseases and drugs used for these diseases. While thyroid gland problems cause gynecomastia in many diseases related to cirrhosis and kidney; Cancer types that cause hormone secretion of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, testis and lung, and hypogonadism, as well as many chromosomal disorders are among these causes.
  • addition to the estrogen hormone, which is one of the biggest causes of gynecomastia; digoxin, marijuana, cimetidin, reserpine, diazem and theophylline also cause this disease.

In 90% of men who experience breast enlargement, no cause can be found for this disease; No hormonal disorder or internal disease can be detected, so gynecomastia is mostly a structural problem.

When determining the causes of breast enlargement, the first examination is the hormone test. Before the surgery, each patient's hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, thyroid and LH/FSH, HCG are tested and the function of the liver and kidney is evaluated.

Gynecomastia Surgery with Liposuction

If the factor causing breast enlargement is increased adipose tissue, then liposuction, which is a fat removal process, is applied. This is a very simple treatment method and takes approximately 1 to 1.5 hours. An incision of 0.5 cm is made on the breasts or just one of them. After the operation, the breast area is covered with a corset and this corset should be worn for 1 month.

You do not need to stay in the hospital after the operation, but the first dressing on the first 2nd day and the second dressing after 1 week or 10 days, spread over months and last for a year.

Although there is no intense pain and pain after the surgery, care should be taken not to engage in active behaviors and to keep shoulder movements to a minimum.

Gynecomastia Surgery

In some cases, only one excess of breast tissue is observed, while in some cases both are observed. In such cases, excess breast tissue is removed and compared to each other.

An incision is made just below the breast ring and the excess fat tissue is surgically removed from there. The breast tissue taken in this surgery is of great importance because the breast structure collapses in excessive tissue discharge. Therefore, since it is a surgical procedure, it should be performed by specialist doctors.

gynecomastia surgery, the operation takes between 2 and 3 hours in the stages where the breast tissue needs to be removed. Subsequently, liposuction should also be applied depending on the situation, which provides a much more permanent and healthy result. In this type of surgery, it may be necessary to stay in the hospital.

During the first 10 days, dressings are made frequently, then it is divided into months and the intervals are extended and lasts for a year.

Will There Be Lubrication Again After Gynecomastia Surgery?

Will There Be Lubrication Again After Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia If it is caused by a hormonal -based problem, it is possible to recur after surgery. The surgery only works to improve the external appearance. Unless the underlying causes are resolved, it carries a high risk of recurrence, so it is important to investigate the situation well and obtain in-depth information before the operation.

However, if the situation is caused by weight gain, you can permanently solve this problem by adopting a regular diet and an active life.

How is Surgical Treatment of Sagging Breasts After Extreme Weight Loss?

Bariatric surgery, which comes into play in the treatment of obesity, which is one of the diseases of our age, at the point where diet and sports cannot reach, surgically treats the sagging that occurs in the body after excessive weight loss. At this point, sagging breasts in men are surgically recovered by plastic surgeons.

In addition, in some physiological conditions, we encounter breast sagging in some of the men. In these and similar cases, after the surgical removal of excess breast tissue with liposuction, the sagging skin tissue should also be removed.

Depending on the condition of the position, the surgery takes approximately 2 to 3 hours. After being observed in the hospital for one night, a drain can be used for a short time and a corset may be required for 1 month.

What Should Be Considered After Gynecomastia Surgery?

  • It is necessary to wear a corset for 1 month
  • You need to reduce the pectoral muscle movements (shoulder)
  • After the operation, the chest area should be rested and intense movements should be avoided
  • Sports, sweating, stress and alcohol consumption should be avoided and healthy foods should be consumed

Gynecomastia Corset

gynecomastia corset , which is produced for women and men who complain about their breasts, serves to reduce the clarity of the breasts under thin and transparent clothes. Its use is very important as it accelerates the healing process after breast surgeries. Its use provides great benefits because it prevents excessive swelling.

Gynecomastia Athlete

kinecomastia athlete is to provide a physical artificial appearance, as in the corset. Unfortunately, there is no benefit in breast enlargement or in the destruction of adipose tissue. However, when the athlete is using it, it compresses and narrows the breast tissue, making the breast less visible under clothing. As a result, it offers a temporary solution to the gynecomastia problem, not a permanent one. Permanent solution can only be achieved with surgery.

Sport After Gynecomastia Surgery

Especially in the first week, you should definitely rest and pay attention to bodily movements. Activities such as strenuous work, effort, and heavy lifting should be terminated for a while; Short walks should be taken to accelerate circulation.

Another rule that must be strictly followed is that no car should be used.

  • Gynecomastia is the drugs used by athletes (steroids; fat burning, anabolic, androgenic, anti-estrogens, insulin hormones and growth hormones). You should absolutely avoid any drug that can disrupt the hormonal balance and change your body anatomy.

After the first one-month critical period is over, small-scale exercises can be started.

Gynecomastia Herbal Treatment

One of the alternative treatment options that can prevent breast enlargement in men is herbal methods. It is a saw-toothed lion's claw cure recommended by chemist and nutritionist İbrahim Saracoğlu.

Recipe for the cure:

1 glass of water is boiled and 1 teaspoon of saw-toothed lion's claw is added into it. It is left to brew for 6 minutes. It is consumed when warm.

This cure should be applied 3 times a day. The first cure during the day is 2 hours after lunch and the other scale is before going to bed at night. It must be consumed continuously for 1 month in order to have an effect. After this application, taking a break for a week and applying it for 1 more month provides definitive results.

Gynecomastia Nutrition

The basic hormone of each sex is also found in small amounts in the opposite sex. And hormones take on a different function in the opposite sex. For example: The role of androgen hormone, which is effective on the prostate and sperm channels in men, is to ensure the development of the vagina in women. In other words, the roles of estrogen in men and androgen in women differ from each other in their own bodies and in the opposite body.

If the secretion of these hormones goes beyond normal, some physiological problems occur. Like breast enlargement in men with the change in the level of estrogen hormone.

Does the diet and the foods we consume affect our body? Yes it does.

Every food we consume has a definite return to our body, plus or minus. fast While excessive consumption of food, very spicy, sugary and fatty foods causes aesthetic problems in the skin structure, it causes intense lubrication and disruption of the hormonal balance, leading to the emergence of many diseases.

For example: Abnormal hair growth in women is a sign of malnutrition and hormonal disorders. Likewise, breast enlargement in men and malnutrition can indirectly be a sign of hormonal disorders.

Which Foods Are High in Estrogen?

Knowing which hormones are high in which foods is important for a healthy diet and diet program. In this sense, knowing the foods rich in estrogen is important in terms of paying attention to the consumption of individuals with gynecomastia problem.

  • Anise
  • Flaxseed
  • Chickpeas
  • Parsley
  • Sesame
  • Native American Grass
  • Tofu
  • Pea
  • Yarrow
  • Soybean
  • Dried dates
  • Dried apricots
  • Sage tea
  • Dried plum
  • It is in the form of soy yogurt

Gynecomastia, which has two different degrees, can be diagnosed in the early period and corrected with diet and sports program.

Gynecomastia in adolescence can also be corrected with diet and sports program, despite advanced tables. Excess weight and the increase in tissue and fat in the breast area are often confused with gynecomastia , but although the results of these two are the same, the reasons for the emergence differ with the treatment methods and the procedure applied.

Weight-induced breast growth is controlled with healthy nutrition and sports, and if it is not obesity , the body regains its normal form only with sports, but if the problem is obesity , skin sagging will occur after weight loss, so the body should be reshaped with plastic surgery.

What are the Advantages of Breast Reduction Surgery?

What are the Advantages of Breast Reduction Surgery?

Feminine breasts, which masculine men do not like and seem aesthetically incompatible, causes loss of self-confidence in men and also leads to psychological problems. In this sense, with the developing aesthetic surgery, this problem is reached to a permanent solution regardless of the problem, and it provides extremely important recovery in the lives and psychology of individuals.

  • After breast reduction surgery, patients feel free anytime and anywhere
  • Physical activities in daily life are regulated
  • The health problems that occur with the abnormal growth of the breasts are improved and people get a healthier life
  • Hormones are put into balance, and in this way, people acquire healthier living habits

Gynecomastia surgery in Istanbul, but good evaluations should be made for the right clinic and every detail should be examined.

What are the Disadvantages of Breast Reduction Surgery?

Since it is a surgical intervention, it carries risks such as bleeding, bruising and swelling, albeit in a small amount. The amount of tissue to be taken should be determined well, otherwise excessive tissues may cause a collapse in the breast.

In this sense, it is recommended that the treatment be performed by specialist doctors and in the best clinics in order to minimize the post-operative damage.

  • Breast reduction surgery is the process of removing excess fat tissue from the breast, that is, the part above the muscle. Therefore, it is very important to plan and implement it so that it does not go under the muscle or muscle. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damage to the pectoral muscle, bones-thorax and lungs. Therefore, it is useful to remind that this surgery should be performed by specialists.

Gynecomastia Surgery Prices 2021

As can be seen, gynecomastia is a complicated case or disease that develops due to various reasons. In this case, it is not correct to determine the price before it is certain what kind of treatment will be followed without a doctor's control.

Gynecomastia to apply to a specialist and be examined, and it is extremely wrong to engage in treatment with hearsay information.

Turkey hospital is doing great things in the field of gynecomastia. As Istanbul Vita, we achieve successful results by our specialist doctors by keeping the health of our patients at the highest level. Hospitals that perform gynecomastia surgery should be well researched and their works should be evaluated.